Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 9
In this tutorial we will work on building a photo upload widget that will allow users to drop an image into a dropzone and crop the image so that we only send up square images to the API. We will also do a bit of…
Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 8
In this part we will add the ability to upload product images, but first – since we now have the ability to store multiple images for a product – lets add a gallery into the product details section. Install ngx-gallery to the app. The original…
Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 7
In this part we will actually add the functionality to be able to upload photos to our API. So that we do not need to add any additonal services here we will just add the uploaded images to the existing folder that we are using…
Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 6
So now that we have our admin role in place, we have added the CRUD funtionality to the products, it is now time to turn our attention to the image upload part of this. If we take look at what we currently have in place…
Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 5
In this section we will configure the Angular app to only allow users with the “Admin” role to access the admin feature in our app. It’s important to point out that there really is no such thing as “client side security”. All of our client…
Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 4
In this part we will configure Identity with Role based authorisation so that only an admin user can Update, Create and Delete products. This is not functionality that standard users should be able to use. Lets start with adding a new class for the Role…
Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 3
In this part we will add the UI components and module in Angular to allow use to add the CRUD functionality to the app. We will create an admin module for this purpose although we do not (yet!) have an admin account to secure this…
Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 2
This is the second part in a series of posts that will demonstrate how to implement an inventory system for the Skinet app we build in the course – “Learn to build an e-commerce app with .Net Core and Angular”. Since we are adding…
Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 1
This will be a series of posts covering how to build an inventory system into the app we build as part of the “Learn to build an E-commerce app with Angular and .Net Core” course that I published on Udemy. It’s a bit lengthy…
Visual Studio Code Troubleshooting tips
Visual Studio code is a fantastic code editor and so far I have used it for all my published courses. However, it is not always perfect and as far as Frequently Asked Questions go on my courses, VS Code not behaving perfectly is one…
Welcome to TryCatchLearn
Welcome to the TryCatchLearn blog! I intend to use this platform to enhance FAQs that crop up from time to time in the courses I publish, as well as providing guidance on how to extend the projects we build as part of the training courses….
Recent Posts
- Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 9
- Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 8
- Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 7
- Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 6
- Building an inventory system for the Skinet app in the .net and angular course – Part 5